How to Buy a Great Robot Vacuum Cleaner

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6. Noise level

Robot vacuums are generally quieter than standard vacuums, but some have an annoying high-pitched whistle and others make a mechanical grinding noise. 

This may be less important if the robot mainly runs while you’re out of the house, but these sounds may be loud enough to annoy neighbors or scare pets.

7. Mopping function

Some robot vacuums also have a mopping function, but these are best suited for light stains only. Usually, this involves putting a small amount of water into a tank which moistens a microfibre pad that’s attached to the vacuum’s base.

8. Self-emptying function

We’re seeing more high-end robots with an automatic dirt disposal unit on the charging base. Once the robot goes back to charge, the dust bin gets emptied which saves you from having to continually empty the tiny dust bin.