Signs of a Dying Battery
Slow engine cranking or odd electrical problems are usually an early tip-off that your battery might be on its last legs. The latter includes headlights or cabin lights that flicker at idle after starting, the engine running roughly for a few seconds after starting, and the car losing your Bluetooth or radio settings. The battery’s case bulging out at the sides is another indication of a dying battery.
It is best to have your battery tested. While it doesn’t necessarily extend the life of your battery, having the battery tested periodically can help keep it from being dead at an inopportune time — which is just about any time. After the battery is a couple of years old, it’s often recommended that it be tested at every change of seasons, or at least at every oil change.
If the battery is shown to be at less than its best, a good charge might help, but it’s more of a warning that you might want to get a new battery before the next really cold spell.