10 Signs you may pay attention to your kidneys

8. Having dry and itchy skin:

harlequin ichthyosis,
popcorn lung,
typhoid mary,
menkes disease,
rms disease,
wiskott aldrich syndrome,
granulomatosis with polyangiitis,
familial mediterranean fever,
hemophilia b,
epidermolysis bullosa

There are some signs that lead to infection with bone and kidney disease. One of these signs is dry skin. Dry skin is a red flag for the kidneys to receive the correct balance of minerals and nutrients. This thing will lead you to suffer from bone and kidney disease. You should visit the doctor to see if you and avoid suffering from bone and kidney disease. You are recommended to visit your doctor to prevent dry skin. We advise you to be hydrated and take all medicines that the doctor gives to you.

# Number 1 is so important, that most people ignore it.

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