Getting on the Hoverboard

If you are a beginner, who is keen to learn to ride a hoverboard like a pro, then it is imperative for you to follow these instructions step by step to ensure you master the art without falling:
- Begin by placing the hoverboard on a plain surface in a position where you face it directly
- Switch on the hoverboard
- Put your dominant foot forward and place it on the board first
- Then with your other foot, slowly step onto the board
- Keep an erect posture while you are on the board and standstill
Riding the Hoverboard
Once you have mastered the art of balancing yourself by standing still on the hoverboard, it is time for you to learn how to ride this futuristic vehicle like a pro. Remember – Do not hurry while you are starting out. Simply follow the step-by-step procedures mentioned here:
- Moving forward and backward: Lean and move your ankles slightly toward the direction you wish to ride the hoverboard. Lean forward or backward gently with your ankles by keeping your waist straight all the time.
- Turning right: To turn right, you need to push your left toes forward in order to shift your body weight in the opposite direction to which you want to go. Keep the right foot horizontal.
- Turning left: To turn left, follow the same procedure as while turning right, but this time with your right toes. Keep your left foot horizontal.
- Spinning a circle: To spin right, push your right ankle down along with your left toes. To spin left, push down your left ankle along with your right toes.