How to Choose the Right Louis Vuitton Bag [Buyer’s Guide]

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Louis Vuitton is the icon of luxury and a bag purchase from this brand usually represents a milestone in your life. Luxury brands have hefty price tags; therefore, your Louis Vuitton handbag purchase should be researched beforehand – here is key information you should consider before purchasing.

1. Do Your Research

Buy from a trusted reseller so you can be sure your purchase is authentic.

2. Think Long-Term

“When choosing your textile, Vernis (patent leather) is less likely to hold up over time and is prone to discoloration and dye transfer. Coated canvas and Epi leather will hold up better.”

3. Go Classic

“Select a style you’ll love now and 10 years from now, like this timeless monogram Speedy bag.”

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4. Consider Cost Per Wear

“Can you picture yourself wearing this bag for multiple occasions and getting lots of use out of it? While you can snag a bag at up to 90% off resale, there’s still a sizable price tag attached to the most desirable items. Make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck by choosing a versatile accessory that complements your style.”